Friday, December 19, 2008

Think Twice

Think twice before leaving the place in someones heart,
Because its very difficult to overcome the pain when you see some one else, filling your place....

True Care

True care will never be unrecognized,
though one often makes mistake in valuing it,
but will definitely understand once they start missing it......


Memories play a very confusing ROLE.
They make you laugh when you remember the time you cried.
But make you cry when you remember the time you laughed !!!!!!!!


Memories play a very confusing ROLE.
They make you laugh when you remember the time you cried.
But make you cry when you remember the time

Ultimate Fact

People love you all the time.
It is just that they can't love you the way you understand love..
They love you the way they know to love.

Interesting Facts

  • Spiders have transparent blood.
  • Penguins can convert salt water into fresh water.
  • Black whale are born white.
  • Woodpeckers can peck 20 times a second !!!!
  • The state of Florida is bigger than England.
  • Snake venom has 90% protein.
  • Storage capacity of human brain is more than 4 TV !!!!
  • 2.15% of world fresh water supply is frozen.
  • If all the people of China stand on a chair and jump down at the same time, the earth would shake and move away from its orbit.
  • Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

Right Relationship

Life is not about finding right person,
But creating right relationship...

Its not how much we care in begining,
But how much we care till end!!!!!!!